Harts Bluff Media/Library Center
Centro de presna de Harts Bluff
Welcome to your media/library center ! Your library invites you to join Mrs. Shumake and Mrs. Giles to read, relax, research, study, build, draw, create and enjoy daily from 7:30 to 4:00.
Library Educational Websites. (click to see websites)
Sitios web educativos de la Biblioteca (haga clic para ver los sitios web)
Media Center Schedule (click to schedule your visit to the media/library center)
Horario del centro de medios (haga clic para programar su visita al centro de medios/biblioteca)
Book Suggestion Form Use this form to recommend books you would like to have in the library.
Media Center Hours: 7:30-4:00
Mrs. Debbie Shumake
903-577-1146 ext.118
Mrs. Jennifer Giles
903-577-1146 ext.118